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20 Questions to Help You & Your Clients Find Your Purpose & Calling

As Christian Life Coaches, guiding clients to discover their purpose and calling is one of the most…

Finding Your True Identity in Christ

Note: Excerpts from Identity & Self-Image by June Hunt in the Keys for Living library The…

New Year’s Coaching Resolutions

As the clock strikes midnight and we bid farewell to the old year, we begin to reflect on ways we…

Happy Marriage? Better Life!

Did you know a happy marriage affects more than just your family? It’s true! A review of the research conducted by the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center found that happily married soldiers have a “leg-up.” Results showed that soldiers in …

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ABCs of Transformation Series: Freedom—As Simple as ABC

Adapted from the Transformed Living Blog How often have you heard someone say, “I have asked Jesus so many times to change me! And yet, no matter how hard I try, I am still stuck. It’s exhausting!”? How often have …

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Coaching Positive Change to Win at Life and Work

What does it take to win at work and love? It’s a great question, and since everyone faces different challenges, there isn’t a specific answer that works for each person. A better approach is to focus on the real source …

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Truth Out of Context: One Commonly Misapplied Bible Verse

Introduction A verse can be plucked from the Bible out of context and applied to almost any situation, sometimes accurately and sometimes inaccurately. Even when trying to help, well-intentioned people can risk causing harm to someone by misconstruing the meaning …

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The Idolatry of Addiction: From Bondage to Freedom

While the theoretical, neurobiological, and treatment parameters of addiction counseling and coaching are all critically important, it is equally valid to consider some of the faith-based dynamics from a holistic perspective. Addiction, in all its various expressions, can result in …

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Jumping Jobs: 21 Questions for a Strategic Career Move

Why are people quitting their jobs in record numbers? Did they find a better opportunity or is it because they are sick of working in a dead-end job, perhaps with a “bully” boss? In what some are calling the “Great …

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