Plan Making
Adapted from Back Talk and Better Plans Maybe I was somewhere between five and six years old when I made a decision of something I was going to do, so I walked through our little living room with orangey …
Adapted from Back Talk and Better Plans Maybe I was somewhere between five and six years old when I made a decision of something I was going to do, so I walked through our little living room with orangey …
How did a simple conversation while on vacation with a friend turn into a transformational experience? Neither of us planned it or even had it on our minds, yet a few sentences describing a deep conviction became an “A-ha” moment. …
For the last twenty-five years, I have been part of a regular Tuesday morning men’s prayer group. The number has fluctuated—never more than eight, never less than three—but what has not fluctuated is the day and time. It’s been a …
Adapted from Pretty little words are everywhere. Words crafted and overlaid on pretty little pictures. Some make us laugh, some stir up our loyalty, some make us dream a bigger dream than we dreamt a minute ago, and some …
Did you know a happy marriage affects more than just your family? It’s true! A review of the research conducted by the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center found that happily married soldiers have a “leg-up.” Results showed that soldiers in …
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