What Does a “Strong” Coach Look Like?
What does it mean for us to build up, train, or become a “Strong” Coach? Let’s allow God’s Word to speak into that question: “I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you . . . Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1: 5, 9 NASB).
These amazing words, from a loving heavenly Father to Joshua, were spoken as he stepped into his “first day on the job” in leading God’s people. Joshua had a huge undertaking ahead of him, which—as you may know—came right after a tremendously difficult time just behind him. And doesn’t that sound like where we may also be as we launch into life coaching ourselves?
Despite very real challenges, however, there is a reason—in this increasingly online world—that the field of “coaching” others is exploding! This is not merely because we are more frequently looking “online” to pursue training, but because so many people around us NEED HELP and hope in the very coaching areas represented by ICCI.
It’s Time to Get to Work
In short, there could not be a better time to join ICCI in this incredible life coaching platform, nor a better time to listen to that “command” from our Lord to choose courage over fear . . . strength in Him over worry and “trembling” at what we have lost or even the forces that seem to be lining up against health, life, and godliness. We believe it is time to get busy with this great task and opportunity before us, to train coaches whose lives can consistently reflect God’s love, have a strong foundation in Scripture, and a genuine commitment to each other.
Our commitment is to do all we can to give you tools, insights, or “pictures” from the “well of wonders” that our God gives us in His Word, science, and coaching.
We believe it is time to get busy with this great task and opportunity before us, to train coaches whose lives can consistently reflect God’s love, have a strong foundation in Scripture, and a genuine commitment to each other.
Bioscience, Visual Perception, and Scripture
You may have heard on numerous occasions how “bioscience” continues to confirm amazing things about the ways we do life and relationships. Let’s take for example a remarkable study on “visual perception” and the “picture” it gives us of a strong life coach. Researchers already knew from a number of other studies that when we stand in front of a high hill all alone, our brain perceives the hill to be far higher than it really is. However, Gross and Proffit demonstrated something we are committed to doing for you, and for you to do with those you are coaching.1
The researchers were biometrically measuring people as they stood there alone and looked up at the hill before them. Then they would have someone (often a close friend) walk up and take the subject’s hand or put their hand on the person’s shoulder. This was not just to “be there” to cheer them on regarding the task before them, but to actually climb the hill with them.
Guess what happened to the experimental subjects? In terms of “visual perception,” the hill shrunk. Here is a technical way of describing what happened: “Proximity to social resources decreases the cost of climbing both the literal and figurative hills we face, because the brain construes social resources as bioenergetic resources, much like oxygen or glucose.”2
It’s amazing how science always backs up Scripture. As believers, ICCI Life Coaches, and Trainers, we do not have to look at those challenging “high hills” alone. Much like the Lord said to Joshua, there is all the “oxygen and energy” we need when we look to our God! “Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you” (Joshua 1:5 NASB). Our God does NOT grow weary or tired of walking with us, and this reminds us of the Lord’s words in Hebrews 13:5 about Jesus, “For He Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you” (NKJV).
You Are Not Alone
Our goal will be to remind you of the incredible ways a faithful, loving God and His beloved Son are there to take our hands and demonstrate how they stand with us no matter the literal or figurative challenges before us.
Whether you are seeking to become an ICCI LifeMapping® Coach, ICCI Relational Strengths Coach, ICCI Blessing Coach (the three areas we are here to train, coach, and encourage you in), or any of the many outstanding tracks you will find in the network, one thing remains . . . you are NOT alone, and you do not have to fulfill God’s calling in your life alone.
Yes, there are “high hills” in front of us all, but we want to remind you that God is beside you every step, including the “uphill” ones. We are honored to say we are here for you as part of team ICCI and fellow life coaches.
1Gross, J.J., & Proffit, D. (2013). The economy of social resources and its influence on spatial perceptions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 772.
2James A. Coan and David A. Sbarra, Social baseline theory: The social regulation of risk and effort, Current Opinion in Psychology, 1, 87-91.

John Trent, PhD, is the President and Founder of StrongFamilies.com and The Center for StrongFamilies. A nationally known marriage and family speaker, radio personality, and author, Dr. Trent regularly presents at conferences and keynote events for churches and organizations, such as Promise Keepers, throughout corporate America, as well as for several branches of our military across the country and world. He also served for five years as the Gary D. Chapman Chair of Marriage and Family Ministry and Therapy at Moody Theological Seminary. Dr. Trent is a best-selling and award-winning author who has authored and co-authored more than 26 books in eleven different languages, six books for children, and seventeen that have won writing awards, including the two-million copy best-selling book, The Blessing. See more at www.StrongFamilies.com

Kari Trent Stageberg, MBA, is a speaker and author who is best known for her work on the book, The Blessing. Kari also serves as the CEO for StrongFamilies, a ministry she runs with her father, Dr. John Trent, to help strengthen families through God-honoring attachment or “Blessing”-centered relationships. She has worked with multiple nonprofit organizations in the areas of fundraising, marketing, and strategic planning, and also co-founded a consulting company, The Nonprofit Consulting Shop, several years ago to provide top-level training and resources to small and start-up nonprofits. As a survivor of abuse, Kari’s passion is to help others find freedom and healing in Christ. See more at www.StrongFamilies.com