Course Summaries

Christian Life Coaching Foundations I: Creating the Right Environment

Dwight Bain, Lea Carawan, Dr. Eric Scalise & Georgia Shaffer

This course introduces you to the essential elements of Christian Life coaching. It examines principles of faith associated with integrating biblical knowledge into effective coaching practices. You will learn core skills that help create the right environment and develop transformative coaching relationships with clients, as well as how to encourage them to pursue their personal and professional goals.

Christian Life Coaching Foundations II: Creating the Right Plan

Dwight Bain, Lea Carawan, Dr. Eric Scalise & Dr. Rita Murray

This course assists you in developing the fundamental skills associated with Life Coaching. You will learn how to communicate effectively with clients, from creating a sound working relationship to overcoming potential challenges, such as one’s family of origin and identity. In addition, valuable tools are presented to help assess and develop an organized blueprint for desired change.

Christian Life Coaching Foundations III: Creating the Right Strategy

Dwight Bain, Lea Carawan, Dr. Eric Scalise, Georgia Shaffer & Dr. Rita Murray

This course helps you increase awareness about yourself as a Life Coach and your God-given calling to help others. In addition, you will learn the importance of being authentic, as well as developing emotional intelligence in working with others. This includes building relationships among cultural and generational groups centered around their relationship with Christ. Other topics address trends in coaching, dealing with stress and burn-out, and how to launch a successful practice.

Christian Life Coaching: Building a Foundation for Biblical Integration

Dwight Bain, Lea Carawan, Dr. Eric Scalise & Georgia Shaffer

This course is designed for learners who are already trained in basic Life Coaching concepts and skills, but need to have a better understanding on how to effectively incorporate biblical principles and knowledge into the coaching process. You will learn to integrate the element of faith and God’s Word to encourage others and create a Christ-centered strategy for change. In addition, the importance of character and the distinctives of identifying as a Christ-centered Life coach are addressed.

Christian Life Coaching: From Counselor to Coach

Dwight Bain, Lea Carawan, Dr. Eric Scalise, Georgia Shaffer & Dr. Rita Murray

This course provides an introduction to life coaching for trained counselors and other mental health practitioners, as well as understanding some of the unique differences and distinctives between these two people helping approaches. Essential elements of life coaching are covered, including core skills and competencies, coaching agreements, assessment tools, and how to create the right goals for transformational growth in clients. Other areas address coaching niches and trends in the field of life coaching today.

Blended Family Coaching: Blending to Succeed

Rev. Cedric & Michelle White

Separation, divorce, remarriage, and other events such as adoption and foster care, are all ways in which families are formed and reformed. There are numerous challenges and potential “potholes” that can disrupt the process and important transition points, hindering the creation of a successful blend. This course addresses key considerations and helps Life Coaches navigate balanced outcomes.

Blended, Not Broken: Foundations of a Strong Family Core

Tim Smith, Christi Meldrim & Grant Wood

Over 50% of families in the United States are remarried or recoupled and nearly 1,300 new stepfamilies are created every single day. Beyond the normal stresses and pressures on any marriage and family, second marriages fail at almost twice the rate of first time unions. This foundational course in blended family coaching addresses many of the core issues also while offering practical and biblical solutions.

Blended, Not Broken: Blender vs. Blending

Tim Smith, Christi Meldrim & Dr. Eric Scalise

Parenting and creating healthy family dynamics can be a challenge, one that is often magnified for step-families. Blenders can “scramble” things and careful blending can bring the right balance to all the ingredients. This course addresses the important relational factors among spouses, parents, children, and siblings that are critical to building and sustaining the blended family.

Blended, Not Broken: Navigating Conflict, Trauma, and Difficulty

Tim Smith, Christi Meldrim & Grant Wood

All marriages and families are confronted with the realities of life, problems and circumstances that seem out of control, crisis points, and more. Blended families often face additional challenges in working through the pain of separation and divorce, as well as the uncertainties that may come with remarriage. This course provides practical strategies in creating and sustaining healthy blended relationships.

Career Coaching: Envisioning the Future

Dwight Bain

Many people change career paths several times during their lifetime. Life Coaches can play a critical role in helping individuals develop a successful plan and find their calling and life purpose. You will learn how to work with individuals in mapping out and envisioning their future careers. An emphasis is placed on the individual developing needed skills and reflecting on the strengths brought to an organization.

Coaching Women: Spiritual Strength

Alita Reynolds, June Hunt & Haley Scully

This course is for Life Coaches who focus on key life issues pertaining to coaching women. You will learn the core foundations for working with this dynamic, including some of the challenges women face, such as shame, worry, rejection, and anger. Additionally, there is an emphasis on helping women see themselves through God’s eyes and focusing on their God-given calling in life. Session 1: Getting Started: Core Foundations in Coaching Women

Coaching Women: Real Relationships

Alita Reynolds, GJ Reynolds, Haley Scully & Bethany Murdock

People were never intended to live and function in isolation. In fact, we were created through relationship, in relationship, and for relationship. Alita Reynolds and her guests address the many facets and nuances of different types of relationships and how to effectively coach women to be healthy, balanced, and spiritually minded in the process.

Coaching Women: Life Leadership

Alita Reynolds, Bethany Murdock & Gari Meacham

Life Leadership is deeper and goes beyond simply leading a successful organization. It involves intimacy, meaningful relationships, being an effective role model, and helping others reach their full potential. This course looks at the biblical principles of establishing priorities, being disciplined, leading with wisdom and discernment, Christian maturity, and navigating times of testing.

Leadership Coaching: Ministry Leaders and the “Business” of Church

Stephen Lentz, Esq.

Most pastors and ministry leaders are not fully prepared for the “realities” they may face upon entering their God given calling. While many seminaries and Bible schools provide basic theological training and education, these leaders can also benefit from Life Coaching that helps them successfully navigate legal, ethical, financial, and organizational dynamics. You will learn key principles and strategies related to the “business” of the church.

Leadership Coaching: Senior Leader and Executives

Dr. Rita Murray

Do you feel called to coach business leaders and executives? Leadership coaching is one of the fastest-growing coaches niches right now, and we’re so thankful to have Dr. Rita Murray on the team here at ICCI. In her video course, Dr. Murray brings her wealth of business experience, knowledge, and wisdom coupled with biblical insights to provide masterclass training on how to coach senior leaders and executives.

Life Recovery Coaching: A Journey through the 12 Steps

Steve Arterburn

Behavioral and substance addictions, poor life choices, and bad habits often develop out of deep pain and woundedness. In this course, Stephen Arterburn teaches a model of Life Recovery Coaching that utilizes a 12-Step framework. You will learn how to handle these challenges in working with clients, from admitting mistakes to sharing and giving back to others. Life change happens one step at a time. Session 1: Admitting: A Breaking of Denial

Life Recovery Coaching: A Journey through the 12 Laws

Steve Arterburn

Building off the framework of a 12-Step approach to recovery, there are a set of “laws” or life-changing principles that offer a rich context and help undergird these important concepts. In many ways, they represent important biblical principles to balanced and healthy living. In this course, Stephen Arterburn addresses each law in his model of Life Recovery Coaching. Session 1: The Law of Powerlessness: Finding Strength through Surrender

Life Recovery Coaching: A Journey through the 12 Gifts

Steve Arterburn

Within the concepts of the 12-Step recovery model, there are certain gifts that unfold and are brought forth through the “light” of Scripture and other biblical truths. Designed to create a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Christ, these gifts not only offer hope for the trials and obstacles people face, but help facilitate true spiritual transformation, as well as a healthy and more balanced life. Session 1: The Gift of Hope: To Overcome and Run with Endurance

Marriage Coaching: The Basics

Dr. Gary & Barb Rosberg

Marriage can be one of the most rewarding and challenging relationships in life. However, coaching clients to develop needed skills and techniques for thriving in this area can be difficult. Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg provide a practical model for coaches. You will learn how to develop a strategy for assisting couples in communicating effectively in good times and through conflict and forgiveness. Assessment techniques and mapping out a plan addresses both the strengths and weaknesses of the marriage. You will also gain a better understanding on the “rhythms” of marriage and what connectional interdependence can mean for a couple.

Marriage Coaching: Hot Topics

Dr. Gary & Barb Rosberg

Marriages can have many challenges that make coaching clients who want to change and grow difficult. In this course, Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg help you better understand these challenges and create a successful blueprint in working through these transitions. Topics discussed include pregnancy issues, second marriages, healthy sexuality, and empty nesters, all designed to assist Life Coaches in moving clients from surviving to thriving.

Marriage Coaching: Before Saying “I Do”

Dr. Gary & Barb Rosberg

Working with couples before they get married can provide considerable benefits to the overall health and success of a marriage. In this course, Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg teach you how to work with couples from the pre-marital stage into the early years of a marriage. Critical issues such as money, intimacy, communication, and life balance are addressed with coaching tips and strategies.

Performance Coaching: Maximizing Potential

Dr. Mark Crear

Sometimes the gap from good to great is very small and coaching can give people the needed boost to help them perform at their peak level. Drawing on his Olympic experience, Dr. Mark Crear teaches Life Coaches the Five P’s to help individuals achieve their peak performance and maximize their potential. You will learn the importance of cultural competency, developing good questions, and focusing on faith.

Personal Development Coaching: The Equipping Profile

Gary Morais

Each individual is unique in the way God has created them. Life Coaches need to be flexible and have the right tools to understand their clients and give them the best opportunity to reach their goals. The Equipping Profile is an invaluable research-based tool designed to help clients with core beliefs, balanced thinking, and right behaviors. Gary Morais guides you through this practical application to create a targeted plan for clients seeking a transformed life.

Relationship & Attachment Coaching: LifeMapping

Dr. John Trent & Kari Trent Stageber

Success in life, in many ways, is often tied directly to one’s core relationship attachments. Life Coaches can assist clients in working to improve these relationships through a helpful tool known as Life Mapping. Dr. John Trent and Kari Stageberg teach you how to use the tool in creating a visual storyboard and developing the right plan to best facilitate clients in reaching their life goals and calling.

Relationship & Attachment Coaching: Strengths Coaching

Dr. John Trent & Kari Trent Stageberg

More often than not, the life coaching process is oriented around an individual’s strengths and how to incorporate those strengths into positive and healthy growth, personally and professionally. In this course, learners are introduced to the StrongFamilies paradigm, including a four-part model that addresses unique personality styles, as well as an effective coaching tool called the Connect Assessment. Emphasis is placed on the role and importance of healthy relationships.

Relationship & Attachment Coaching: The Blessing

Dr. John Trent & Kari Trent Stageberg

The value of receiving “the blessing” from parents and significant others cannot be underestimated, and the unconditional love and approval that comes from balanced relationships also helps create a foundation for successful living. This course examines biblical principles related to healthy attachment, addresses key elements of the blessing, and offers practical strategies for effective life coaching.

Resilience Coaching: Individuals

Maj. Gen. Bob Dees (Ret.)

Storms in life are bound to come, and Life Coaches often play a vital role in helping clients through those challenges and preparing for whatever may lie ahead. In this video course, Gen. Dees outlines an effective model of how to help people build resilience – God-style. You will learn how to work with your clients before, during, and after the storms of life, creating opportunities for growth, especially in the midst of life’s unexpected events.

Resilience Coaching: Leaders

Maj. Gen. Bob Dees (Ret.)

Leaders typically play a vital role in helping organizations successfully navigate different crisis and transition points. Life Coaches can help clients grow in their skills, wisdom, and character to lead stakeholders through these storms with courage and determination. You will learn how to work with leaders on building integrity and vision, while incorporating a biblical foundation and framework for success.

Resilience Coaching: Key Demographics

Maj. Gen. Bob Dees (Ret.)

Resilience is an essential life skill that becomes even more critical following a significant loss, traumatic and tragic events, the unexpected, and more. Life coaches often work with these individuals as they are trying to survive, work through difficult challenges, and develop strategies to help them move forward. Gen. Bob Dees dialogues with various leaders representing key demographics and discusses relevant biblical principles.

Transformed Living: Key Fundamentals

Rolfe & Lea Carawan

Aspiring Life Coaches want to see change happen in their client’s lives. The Transformed Living Model developed by Lea and Rolfe Carawan helps coaches understand the principles associated with this kind of change. You will learn the foundational keys and principles of transformation, including the PIC Model. In addition, this Model discusses the importance of a person’s identity and how they view themselves, others, and God.

Transformed Living: Core Principles

Rolfe & Lea Carawan

In this second course on the Transformed Living Model, Lea and Rolfe Carawan teach the ten core principles that Life Coaches need to know in order to best help clients be all that God has created them to become. Each of these principles is thoroughly discussed, as well as how they can be effectively applied within the coaching process.

Transformed Living: Practical Applications

Rolfe & Lea Carawan

In this third course of the Transformed Living Model, Lea and Rolfe Carawan teach Life Coaching principles when working with various individuals and demographics, including women, men, couples, grandparents, leaders, singles, and peak performers. Finally, you will learn how to put all the pieces together to enhance true transformation in others.

Zero Victim: Dealing with Your Past

James E. Ward Jr.

Victimization is inevitable, but we have a choice in how we respond to it. A Zero Victim mentality is essential to precondition our minds to address these issues before they happen. Pastor James Ward conveys an effective model on how to deal with your past, decide your person, and develop your potential in life, as well as how to coach others to do the same. In this first course, he focuses on resolving the past by embracing God’s will for every human being to live an abundant life and bear abundant fruit through faith in Jesus Christ.

Zero Victim: Deciding Your Person

James E. Ward Jr.

Victim thinking keeps you stuck in your past with no forward progress. Even though your past explains who you are, it should not define who you are. The purpose of this second course is to equip and empower you with the skills and knowledge needed to decide your person by making a decision to become a skilled offensive player in the game of life.

Zero Victim: Developing Your Potential

James E. Ward Jr.

Coming soon

Financial Coaching: How to Build Your Best Plan Now

Dr. John Thornton

Unresolved money questions can be the #1 hurdle that blocks your clients from moving forward with their lives. Yet life coaches often feel ill-prepared to address the “elephant in the room.” This course give coaches the three financial tools every client needs, and with a simple God-honoring plan to help them take their next steps now.

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